Mix and Mingle

Placeholder ImageImagine being stuck in one place and that place is the last place you wanted to be at that moment. you have the choice of leaving or staying but because of your loyalty and humbleness you just wanted to do what is asked of you??????????? I mean there is no enticement, just a long, drawn out day of mixing and mingling… you felt like you just landed from space in a group of people who spoke different language from the one you knew.. So left out, you try pretending to be like them but the truth is you were  just trying to get out of there… I know exactly how you feel, i had a similar day like that, everyone was so odd except for that photographer who spend the whole time stealing photos of me.. Off guard, on guard, asked for, not asked for yet i still manage to slay… Even when i heard the words “You are the most beautiful girl in the room” it still doesn’t change the fact that i am lost in the middle of an important day for my brother…yea that’s the only fun from such a long day. It might look as if you are rebellious and stuff, but you are just so not in that place, its like you’re drowning and there ain’t no river around. Well the best part of the day always when you gotta get back to a place where you are comfortable and most of all a happy place.. Just follow your heart…..

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